Types of Cayman Islands Investment Fund
Global private equity funds, hedge funds, and hybrids are big businesses in the Cayman Islands. Thanks to its tax-neutral stance and the large number of financial services professionals operating here. Historical links to English common law as well as a stable legal, political and economic environment add to this attraction.

Cayman Islands Investment funds can come in many forms and the majority are governed by the Mutual Funds Law, recognizing:

Open-ended/regulated mutual funds – Open-ended funds that meet the criteria of the Mutual Funds Law in the Cayman Islands can conduct business as a hedge fund, licensed mutual fund, administered mutual fund, registered fund, or master fund. The Cayman Islands has developed regulations designed to benefit both investors and Cayman fund administrators alike, allowing funds that are easy to establish and maintain in the Islands. Determining the type of fund that’s best for you, your financial situation and your investment goals require careful consideration. As with all matters financial and legal, consult the experts before making any commitment and ensure your consultant has the relevant experience, a solid reputation, and comes recommended by existing clients.
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